Hey Đujić, dear brother, the Serbian people are calling you,
for the supreme commander, to take the yoke off of our neck
Hey Strmica and Topolje, Momčilo is of goodwill,
to return to the town of Knin, King Peter's homeland
And even before dawn, to plow the Serbian furrow,
to destroy the shameful statues and exterminate the Titoists
Serbian latin:
Oj Đujiću, mili brate, Srpski narod poziva te,
za vrhovnog komandanta da skinemo jaram s vrata
Oj Strmice i Topolje, Momčilo je dobre volje,
da se vrati gradu Kninu, kralja Petra otadžbinu
I još prije cika zore, srpsku brazdu da zaore,
da poruši sramne biste i istrebi titoiste