The whole Golubić is in blood, Damjanović, the first Chetnik,
here is the new Obilić, the company commander Tankosić
Titoists prepare a grave for the five-pointed star,
five-pointed star because it is not good, it doesn't want king Peter
Tankosic ??? receive greetings from Montenegro,
from major Đurišić and captain Jovićić
From Valjevo and Jelica, and the Chetniks of Ivanjica,
of General Uncle Draža and his mountain guard
Serbian latin:
Golubić je sav u krvi, Damjanović četnik prvi,
evo novog Obilića, četovođe Tankosića
Titoisti spremte raku za šugavu petokraku,
petokraku jer ne valja, ona neće Petra kralja
Tankosiću ??? primi pozdrav Crne Gore,
od majora Đurišića, kapetana Jovičića
Od Valjeva i Jelice, i četnika Ivanjice,
đenerala čiča Draže i njegove gorske straže